Mrs Grape, the asocial artist

Fruit Salad – Mrs Grape

We’re back to the Fruit Salad, it’s been a long time! And this is the first time a Fruit has been drawn since the change of graphic style last April! 🙂

Today, it’s time to introduce Mrs Grape. She could be Sinister Elderberry‘s wife, especially as she’s a draughtswoman like him! But unlike Sinister Elderberry, Mrs Grape draws so well that no one dares question her talent, let alone make fun of her.

On the other hand, she’s completely asocial, to the point of being interested only in a handful of passions, in people who share said passions, and then
 that’s it. She’s not interested in interacting with other people. She’s not interested in real friends. She’s in her own world, and prefers to stay there. So, with all that in mind, it’s easy to see why she’s not married to Sinister Elderberry
 or anyone, for that matter!

A very sinister elderberry!

Fruit Salad – Sinister Elderberry

After Tomato Head, we continue the “Fruit Salad” series with a new protagonist, Sinister Elderberry, who, as you might expect, is made of elderberry!

Sinister Elderberry likes to wear clothes as dark as his body. He’s a self-proclaimed “Master of Drawing”, because he’s convinced he’s the only salad fruit capable of coordinating all the fruits that can draw.

Unfortunately, in reality, everyone laughs at Sinister Elderberry, not least because he’s far from being the genius he claims to be, he hasn’t evolved much since his early days, and in the end, all he has are his few loyal lackeys to keep following him, and, from time to time, offer him a few services

Tomato Head inaugurates the Fruit Salad!

Fruit Salad – Tomato Head inaugurates!

Nimatek is diversifying a little with Fruit Salad, a concept of comics/drawings simpler than the Nuibie universe, which, through childlike graphics, will deal with very real thoughts!

From now on, “Fruit Salad” will sometimes be offered in place of Nuibie drawings! However, this will not be a regular occurrence. It will depend on the context and inspiration 😉