Big bug!

Bad news: our home server, on which all the drawings are stored, is no longer turning on. This compromises the publication of the weekly drawing on the Nimatek website, and, if we don’t manage to solve the problem tomorrow, it will also compromise the publication on Instagram! We’re doing everything we can to solve the problem as quickly as possible, because we like regularity!

Welcome to the English version of !

The English version of the website is finally ready for use, after a long period of conception work! A few minor defects may still be present, but everything is normally functional!

Camille, the Nimatek mascot

What is Nimatek?

Nimatek is a French fanzine created in 2021 after a long gestation period. But an internet activity was created in parallel, to spread our less recent creations more widely. So, while our fanzine is currently on issue 3, comics from the first two issues (One day like that on Nuibie and Nuibie College: Welcome to Nievicila!) are available on this blog, as well as on Mangadraft and Webtoon. The comic for issue 3 will be available on the Internet after the physical release of issue 4, and so on.

So, what am I going to find on this website?

On this website, you’ll already find the two comics mentioned above, which are furry comics accessible to all audiences. You’ll find a complete presentation of the universe of these comics on the “Nuibie College: Presentation” page. The comics and their presentation are available in full in English. But these comics are not the only content on this website. Artworks derived from these comics are also available, in the “Lore Nuibie” (canon drawings) and “Misc. Nuibie” (non-canon drawings and drawings by other artists) sections. Finally, artworks unrelated to the Nuibie universe are temporarily grouped together in the “Other drawings” section (other sections will be added later).

What’s the difference between “Nimatek” and “Nuibie”?

It’s true that the uninitiated might wonder why our site (and our fanzine) is called “Nimatek” and not “Nuibie”, given that every time, the comics bear the name “Nuibie something”. The reason is that Nimatek is a joint project between AdeA and Técé, its two creators, whereas Nuibie is Técé’s universe (although AdeA has helped him a little, notably in “One day like that on Nuibie”, where her contribution was major). For some time now, AdeA has been preparing her own comic with her own universe, which will have no connection with the “Nuibie” universe and comics, but which will also be published in the Nimatek fanzine and later on the Nimatek website. Although the AdeA’s comic doesn’t yet exist, some artworks of this future comic have already been published in the “Others drawings” collection!

Is Nimatek on social networks?

If you want to follow Nimatek on social networks, we’re mainly present on Instagram. We publish (with rare exceptions) one drawing per week. Like all our internet activities from now on, our Instagram is bilingual French/English.
Nimatek on Instagram:

Please note: our comics are not published on Instagram, and the artworks are cropped to Instagram’s square format. To see our comics and artworks in their original format, this website is essential.

Enjoy browsing!

Return of one-shot drawings!

Le retour de la plouquette

After more than a month’s absence, the one-shot drawings are back on NIMATEK.FR! This break was necessary to complete the “internet version” of “Nuibie College: Welcome to Nievicila!” without falling too far behind! And who better than Cassandra Kalabrio, a.k.a. “the bumpkin girl” (“la plouquette” in French), to inaugurate this come-back? 🙂

Think of Cassandra coming out of that box as a metaphor for her creator’s joy at being able to make new illustrations of her 😉