Two kids grown up + news

Lore Nuibie – Cassandra et Basile adultes

And here’s a drawing that’s a little “apart” from what we’ve been getting you used to over the last few months, and for good reason: here we meet up with two characters from Nuibie College, Cassandra and Basile… but several years later, when they’re both in their early twenties.

This isn’t the first drawing depicting Cassandra as an adult that we’ve published; a drawing depicting the main character of Nuibie College in adult form was previously published in November 2023, but this one is now classified as “non-canon”, as the description of it (be it Cassandra’s appearance, or even the drawing’s caption) no longer conforms to the character’s current story.

As for Basile, the last drawing representing him as an adult dates back to the time of “Nuibie 715”, the Nuibie College prototype, a drawing dating back to 2020 which was published on this site as filler last May! By the way, if you compare Cassandra on the “Nuibie 715” drawing, you’ll notice a certain “clothing similarity” with Cassandra as she is on this new drawing, and for good reason: it’s deliberate! 😉

A parallel comic planned

As the next chapter of Nuibie College is also taking some time, it has finally been decided to create a second series on the Nuibie universe, which will be a secondary series, designed specifically for broadcast on the Internet. This series will be canon to the main Nuibie College storyline, but will not be necessary for understanding the main story. What’s more, it will be designed to be accessible to everyone, including those who haven’t read the existing Nuibie College chapters. This series will bring the Nuibie universe to life between two Nuibie College chapters, while making it more accessible to newcomers!

Just Adi!

Lore Nuibie – Just Adi

In June, we were in a bit of a slump, as the drawings for the character sheets had just been completed! So we had to find a new drawing for this week…

Well, why not reintroduce Adelaide, aka “Adi”, one of the characters featured on the cover of third issue of our fanzine? While this character may still be a mystery to Nuibie College readers, like Basile and Magalie, she’s destined to become important as the chapters progress!

Adi is the antithesis of the cheerleader cliché! In other words, she may be a popular girl, like the cheerleader, but unlike the cheerleader, she’s deeply kind, and has absolutely no contempt for less popular girls. And the proof: her best friend, Magalie, isn’t exactly popular at school!

Magalie, the tough-girl tomboy

Lore Nuibie – Magalie in uniform

Magalie Kourode, sometimes nicknamed Mag, is a 12-year-old similica with a personality that’s more complex than it seems. A passionate sportswoman, she dreams of becoming a professional combat sports player when she grows up. Despite her tomboyish looks and misandrist talk, Magalie hides a romantic side that she doesn’t assume, for fear of tarnishing her tough-girl image.

Magalie is Adelaide Vilasko‘s best friend, despite their obvious differences: Adi is very feminine, while Magalie prefers a more boyish style. Their sisterly friendship is based on deep empathy and mutual support. Magalie is secretly in love with Basile Citrus, a friend who doesn’t notice her feelings, much to the amusement of Adi, who likes to tease Magalie about it. At the start of “Nuibie College”, Magalie feels hostility towards Louise Deladiva, Basile’s girlfriend, but their relationship later improves. Magalie also develops a friendship with Cassandra Kalabrio, despite some minor annoyances due to Cassandra’s great femininity.

Magalie enjoys spending time with her gang of friends, first Adelaide and Basile, then enlargized with Cassandra and Louise. She also enjoys getting into fights with the secondary school bullies, especially to protect Basile. What she hates most of all is the girls’ uniform, inherited from before the Blemalias, to the point that she asked for and obtained an exemption to wear the boys’ uniform, which suits her style better.