About Nimatek

Who are we?

Nimatek was born of the meeting between Arielle De Araujo and Thomas Cicciù in 2019.

Arielle, or AdeA by her artist name, was born in 1993, and has always loved the world of drawing. Inventive, she eventually made the transition from reader to cartoonist, and began creating characters, often young and whimsical. The most illustrious of AdeA’s creations is her character Mady, who has become her alter-ego of sorts, even having the luxury of appearing on the artist’s business card!

Thomas, from my artist name Técé (because yes, it’s me who manages the “internet” part of our duo), was born in 1992. Like AdeA, I’ve been immersed in drawing and comics since childhood, even going so far as to arm myself with pen and felt-tip pens to make “home-made” comics in the early 2000s. It was an aborted video game project that finally got me into the serious business of creating fictional universes. This project evolved into a comic strip, the culmination of which is “Nuibie College”, drawn with the invaluable help of AdeA!

What is Nimatek?

During the 2019 Chalon-sur-Saône Comics Festival (Burgundy, France), I discovered the concept of a “fanzine” by buying one from an artist who was distributing them. While I was trying to make comics on my own, I had the idea of also making a fanzine, which would be shared with AdeA (even though we’d only just met, that’s how quickly we got along) and potentially other artists. Then came a series of events, including the first French confinement in spring 2020, which I’ll cut short…

After many adventures, we were able to design a prototype of our fanzine for September 2021, on the occasion of the night market in Le Creusot (Burgundy, France), our hometown, containing a first version of the comic “One day like that on Nuibie”, created by the two of us. The final version of the comic came out a few months later, on December 25, 2021, on the occasion of Nimatek’s real issue 1, which marked the official birth of our fanzine!

Today, Nimatek is also a presence on the internet, through this blog which lists all our archives as well as our previous comics (our latest comic remains exclusive for those who buy our fanzine), but also through the social network Instagram, as well as the online comic reading applications Mangadraft and Webtoon.

For more information, see…