
Why does “la Marianne qui rit” laugh? (by Técé)

La Marianne qui rit

This drawing, completed on July 14th, perfect, the day for the French national holiday, illustrates Marianne, the personification of the French nation, with 1001 avatars, this time by the humble Creusot draftsman that I am! 🙂

Here, Marianne laughs in front of the Palais Bourbon, the eminent decision-making place for the land of the Lumières! But why is the Marianne laughing, you might ask? Well, because this Marianne, who embodies the third France of which I am a part, this forgotten, neglected, despised France, has been sullied for weeks by an elite made up of politicians, influencers, artists, sportsmen and women, etc. etc. She has been sullied, mocked, vilified, vilified, vilified, vilified, vilified, vilified, vilified, vilified, vilified. She has been smeared, mocked, defamed, you name it. And despite all that, she’s done pretty well for herself. So you’re going to tell me that doesn’t justify laughing. Patience, I’m coming to that! 😉

My Marianne is laughing now, because all those who smeared her, mocked her, defamed her, etc., those people steeped in smugness and contempt, are now in a situation where they don’t know what to do. The people who set the traps found themselves trapped, and here’s the result: my Marianne laughs! 🙂


Mrs Grape, the asocial artist

Fruit Salad – Mrs Grape

We’re back to the Fruit Salad, it’s been a long time! And this is the first time a Fruit has been drawn since the change of graphic style last April! 🙂

Today, it’s time to introduce Mrs Grape. She could be Sinister Elderberry‘s wife, especially as she’s a draughtswoman like him! But unlike Sinister Elderberry, Mrs Grape draws so well that no one dares question her talent, let alone make fun of her.

On the other hand, she’s completely asocial, to the point of being interested only in a handful of passions, in people who share said passions, and then… that’s it. She’s not interested in interacting with other people. She’s not interested in real friends. She’s in her own world, and prefers to stay there. So, with all that in mind, it’s easy to see why she’s not married to Sinister Elderberry… or anyone, for that matter!

Carelle and her two friends

Lore Nuibie – Adult Carelle and her friends

After the drawing of Cassandra and Basile as adults, the next logical step was to depict Carelle as an adult, and for once, unveil future plot characters: Ouro the golden macalite, and Prata the silver macalite.

As you can see, Carelle, as an adult, has swapped her jacket and pants for a rather short black dress, which could make her look like a “vamp”, according to one of our friends who has been following the evolution of the Nuibie universe for several years 😉 But she’s also made some new acquaintances, including Ouro and Prata! 🙂

Who are Ouro and Prata? They’re orphaned macalites who met Carelle early on in the plot (in fact, this meeting takes place during the first “arc” of Nuibie College), and who, over the years, develop a boundless admiration for the Hursian woman.

Note: Ouro and Prata were already at Carelle’s side in “Astral Masane …avec Basile le hursian” (aka “AMBH”), which was the first comic experiment with the Nuibie universe, but which remained unfinished. Even then, the two macalites were portrayed as adoring Carelle more than reason.