Ciao TV!

Ciao TV!

And here’s Madame Télé, the personification of French television. You’ll notice a precarious state of health, with pale skin and infusions on all sides. Infusions of money, naturally. The one with the Euro symbol represents the public money used to keep state television afloat. An infusion also represented by Madame Télé’s vampire teeth. The infusion marked “ESG”, on the other hand, is a direct reference to the ESG score, symbolizing the money of a section of private interests, committed to the noxious ideology of investment funds like BlackRock.

A little anecdote: initially, the image on the TV was to show an extract from an advert for an alarm system, an advert known for its propagandistic side. But after some thought, it was decided that an image referencing the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games would be more appropriate, as it fits in with both the “public money” and “ESG score” symbolism. 😉