ArtFight tentative (with Alfoxbot)


After yesterday’s computer breakdown, we can finally publish the weekly drawing!

Nimatek’s Instagram account was contacted by someone called Alfoxbot, who suggested that we take part in the “ArtFight” community, which consists of making drawings, responding to those drawings with other drawings, and so on. A drawing was thus made for Alfoxbot, representing his character, a sort of purple “furry” character, unsure of himself, but with classy clothes! Initially, the plan was to equip him with a revolver, but at Alfoxbot’s insistence, the revolver was swapped for a Nintendo zapper!

Basile par Alfoxbot

And so, as is the rule at ArtFight, Alfoxbot in turn drew a character featured in Nimatek. Unsurprisingly, it’s a character from the Nuibie universe, but surprisingly, he’s chosen a character who is currently quite secondary: Basile Citrus. No doubt this was the easiest character to hijack, because that’s exactly what he did: he completely hijacked the character, which is quite funny, I must say! In the end, it’s the Basile Citrus of a parallel universe that’s been drawn here!

In addition to a drawing, Alfoxbot also sent us some feedback on Nuibie College, hopefully the first in a long series! Judge for yourself:

Hi Técé, I really like your webcomic, but I have one small criticism to make: the social and political commentary you bring to your comic is pretty weak and very clearly shows your lack of knowledge on certain subjects (example: the pointless jab at inclusive writing), as someone “from the city”, believe me, teachers have other more important things to teach! I wish you all the best. 🙂
