Adult Cassandra Kalabrio

Adult Cassandra!

As November draws to a close, let’s take a look into the future: what might Cassandra Kalabrio and her best friend Carelle Scandiberrie be like as adults? Because yes, Nuibie College is a comic we intend to make last, and the characters will all grow up, and their adventures will continue even after Cassandra has left secondary school!

Cassandra is destined for great things when she grows up. Things we can’t reveal too much about without giving everything away! But in any case, you’ll notice that Cassandra as an adult, well… she remains true to what she was as a child, in terms of look anyway: we’re sticking with a predominantly yellow suit, as if to give an “iconic” edge to her appearance. 🙂 What’s more, she’s the only character in the Nuibie universe who will never change her look significantly, whereas the others will evolve over time.

So you’re going to say that Carelle has also been mentioned… Well… That’ll be next week 😉