Louise Deladiva is an 11-year-old Hursian girl. Unlike Cassandra, she is a pure city girl who was born in Nievicila and has always lived there. The only daughter of a middle-class Hursian couple, she has a complex about being slightly overweight and about her “ugly” appearance. It was her complexes around the notion of beauty that prompted her, at the age of 10, to dye her hair pink.
Louise and Cassandra meet on back-to-school day, and turn out to be roommates at the secondary school boarding school. The two Hursian girls hit it off quite quickly, and eventually Louise becomes Cassandra’s first friend at Nievicila, while from Louise’s point of view, Cassandra is her first friend… at all! Before that, Louise had never been able to make friends. There are many reasons for this, but her shyness and low self-esteem have a lot to do with it.
Although Louise has the flaw of being slightly clingy when she gets attached to someone, she is nonetheless a profoundly kind and caring Hursian, and will play a major role in Cassandra’s integration into her new urban environment, notably by introducing her to other students, but also by comforting her during the difficult times Cassandra will go through. Because Louise, as her roommate, is by far the person Cassandra will see most often!