Carelle, the almost wild child

Lore Nuibie – Juste Carelle

Carelle Scandiberrie is an 11-year-old Hursian girl. Orphaned in infancy, she has only a vague recollection of her parents. After a few tumultuous years, she has finally grown into a resourceful child who has lived since the age of six in her trusty den built by her own humble hands, close to the banks of the river of Galite. And about Galite, everyone in the village knows of Carelle’s existence, but very few villagers have tried to approach her.

Carelle having met Cassandra shortly after her arrival in Galite, the two Hursians have become great friends, and consider themselves twin sisters (especially as they were born on the same day). If Cassandra brings wisdom to almost wild child, conversely, Carelle brings a rebellious spirit to the wise child as Cassandra. In short, the two are a perfect pair! That’s why Cassandra’s departure for Nievicila will be a heartbreaker for Carelle, who thus returns to the solitude of the years preceding her arrival at Galite. That said, Carelle is not the kind of Hursian who gives up easily. She’ll be bold enough to write a new page in her life, and even, why not, to follow Cassandra to Nievicila…